Dark as thunder in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, ethereal as a golden sunrise, hypnotizing beats – Lucerne psychedelic rock trio Yet No Yokai paint a variety of pictures and take listeners on a wild Krautrock odyssey, but not without going their own way and duly testing the boundaries of the genre. Alternating between German and English lyrics, the formula remains the same: experimental, psychedelic. As figures of Japanese folk belief, « Yokai » are most comparable to monsters or demons. Yet No Yokai have been around for almost 15 years, yet they’ve only been conquering stages with that name for a few years now. They decided in 2018 that a change of style was needed and with that came the new band name. Thanks to this change of direction, they won the Demotape Clinic prize at m4music, played at the Montreux Jazz Festival, and finally signed a contract with the Swiss alternative label Hummus Records (home of Emilie Zoé, Louis Jucker, etc.), as the first German-speaking band ever and without having released an album yet. But after five years, the time has come, and the album « Wir Sind Da » has been released on the label.